Monday, July 25, 2011

My summer :)

My summer has been pretty awesome, God answered so many of my prayers, I got a car that was very needed and I love my new(ish) car.  I did have a little set-back in early June and had to go into the hospital but that got worked out quickly and I was able to go home. My labs checked out and they were great, I also got the "ok" from both of my doctors to travel, I got to go on a mini-vacation to visit some friends in Arkansas, it was great.. I loved being at a house will so much love and so many little one's and I thank them so much for welcoming me into their home :)
In early July I got to spend some days with my second cousin Hunter, she kept me on my toes (she's only 3) lol, I also got to see some of my family that I don't see very much.  On the 4th of July I got to shoot off fireworks with my Mom and Dad and on the 5th I shot off fireworks with some friends (I used to teach their oldest child in preschool, now she's taller than me lol and I babysat the youngest when he was an infant, now he's 7) but we stayed close and i'm thankful that we are good friends!
We are now at the end of July and i've been in the "writing mood" my fingers have been busy typing up a storm and I also have many little post-it's all over posted with notes and ideas, I'm working hard on finishing my book, but I only write when I feel led to write, I can tell when God is leading me and it's wonderful!
I am also thinking about taking a LEAP and start piano lessons, I really want to learn and I think it would be just about the best feeling to be able to sit down and just play.. I LOVE classical music as well as some others and it would feel awesome to be able to play whenever I wanted :)
There you go!! My summer so far :)

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